Language: English
Planned duration: 15 to 20 hours in 5 days
Since 1980 : Reservoir Engineer, fields of gaz , (Lacq-Meiilon..) in France then Oil Fields in Nigeria, operations and studies- petrophysics Laboratory 6 years- then in charge of oil fields in the south of France- Reservoir engineer at the Exploration Direction to evaluate the prospects- New projects, heavy oil fields evaluation, data room to evaluate fields- secondee in Qatar Petroleum, consultant on Dukhan field- then Norway in the New Reserves Growth team to evaluate the remaining potential in the North sea.
Secondment in IFP training.
1977 : Civil Engineer from Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics
1979 : Petroleum Engineer of IFP School in Petroleum Engineering : reservoir, drilling, production
Lectures at IFP School since 1991 in reservoir engineering, petrophysics and drive mechanism.
Secondee at IFP Training from 2006 till 2014: training for reservoir professionals.
Organization, lectures, and building progra ms in reservoir engineering : petrophysics, Well Test, PVT, Drive Mechanism, fields development … in France and abroad : Venezuela PDVSA, Malaisia University Petronas, Thailand PTT EP, Angola TOTAL, Korea KNOC, Russia TNKBP, Koweit KOC, Qatar QP et also IFP School, masters and Diploma.
Reservoir Engineering : 6 years in Petrohysics laboratory, fields development, monitoring, operations and studies, reserves evaluation, fields evaluation in data-room, oil and gas fields monitoring, operated and non operated, technical committees with partners.