A Catalogue
of 740+ references
The most requested format, ranging from half a day to a few days, adaptable according to the level and the number of hours desired
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Integrated Weeks
One-week immersive courses that integrate into the university curriculum with a certificate issued.
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- Integrated week
- Gustavo-Ariel Kaufman
- Management & Human sciences, Strategy
Language: French, English, Spanish
Planned duration: 15 to 25 hours
- Integrated week
- Gustavo-Ariel Kaufman
- Conventional Energies, Contractual framework for Exploration & Production
Language: French, English, Spanish
Planned duration: 15 to 25 hours
- Course
- Jord LUCAS
- Conventional Energies, Introduction to Exploration & Production
Language: French and English
Planned duration: 3 hours (but can be set from 2 to 6 hours)
- Integrated week
- Jean-Marc FONTAINE
- Corporate Social Responsability, Societal Approach
Language: English and French
Planned duration: 15 to 18 hours, could be adapted
- Course
- Christian GUERITTE
- Climate & Energy Transition, Hydrogen
Language: English
Planned duration: 3h
- Integrated week
- Cross-cultural, Management & Human sciences
Language: English and French
Planned duration: 15h to 20h adaptable according to needs on shorter conferences
Language: English & French
Planned duration: Adaptable between 2-6h
- Integrated week
- Philippe Tanguy
- Climate & Energy Transition, Hydrogen
Language: English, French, Spanish
Planned duration: 20 hours – Can be adjusted between 15 and 25 hours