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from exploration to productionDrilling Engineering Fundamentals and PrinciplesDrilling Fluids & Cementing OperationsDRILLING RISKS IDENTIFICATION AND MANAGEMENTDrilling Techniques and Operations : onshore and offshoreDrilling Techniques for Oil and Gas Well ConstructionDynamic Career assessment or how to build your career plan more effectively?Dynamics of the Energy SectorE&P Field Development Plan/Process (FDP Module)Economic Evaluation and Investment Decision Methods in Oil & Gas Exploration & ProductionEconomic Evaluation and Investment Decision Methods in Oil & Gas Exploration & ProductionECONOMIC MODELING OF OIL & GAS PROJECTSECONOMICAL DEVELOPMENT AND INTERCULTURAL MANAGEMENTECONOMY OF HYDROCARBONS AND THE PETROLEUM CHAINElectrical equipment for explosive gaseous atmospheresElectrical installations in the oil industryEnergy efficiency and management of energyEnergy efficiency balance and optimization for the industrial plantsEnergy policy and supply issues in South East AsiaENERGY TRANSITION - Business Case - Design a National Low Carbon Master PlanENERGY TRANSITION - RENEWABLE ENERGYEnergy Transition, Climate Change, New Energy and New MarketsEngine lubricationENGINEERINGEngineering geophysicsEntrepreneurship development and business managementETHICS AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYEthics initiatives applied to multinational firmsEvaluation of Barriers for Drilling Risks ManagementExplanation and analyze of the industrial emission directive - BREF documentsExploration & Production at TotalEnergiesEXPLORATION and PRODUCTION - Oil and GasEXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION OVERVIEWExploration and Production techniquesExploration Petroleum GeologyExploration ProductionExploration Production description de l'exploration et productionExtra Heavy Crude ProductionExtra Heavy Crude UpgradingFinancial and Management Assets Accounting in Major Oil and Gas CompaniesFinancial managementFluid-fluid separation processesFluid-solid separation processes - crystallizationFormation waters and how they can be used as a production monitoring toolFPSO Deep Offshore Oil Export TerminalFPSO for Deep Sea Oil field DevelopmentFractured ReservoirsFrom data to information. Accuracy, reliability, quality of measurement ; instrumentation - metering devicesFrom information to knowledge. Mass balance and data validationFrom knowledge to action. Refinery fuel consumption and losses.From oil to plasticFROM THE REFINERY TO USER: OIL DOWNSTREAM FUNDAMENTALSFROM THE REFINERY TO USER: OIL DOWNSTREAM FUNDAMENTALSFUELS & LUBRICANTSFUELS & LUBRICANTSFundamentals of Hydrocarbon ExplorationFundamentals of Oil and Gas Fields developmentFUNDAMENTALS OF SEISMIC ACQUISITION AND PROCESSINGFundamentals Of Seismic Data ProcessingFundamentals of Team ManagementFUNDAMENTALS ON HSE ISSUESFUNDAMENTALS ON HSE ISSUESFundamentals on Oil & Gas Exploration & ProductionFuture of Automotive & Fuels for a Sustainable DevelopmentGas & LNG seminarGas and LNGGas and LNG seminarGaz de Roche-mère: Enjeux et ChallengesGeneral chemistryGeneral Management, Management of Major Risks, Safety and Technological Risks, and Asset IntegrityGENERAL REVIEW OF MOST IMPORTANT INDUSTRIAL CATALYSTS AND RELATED PROCESSESGeo-resources challenges of energy transitionsGEODYNAMIQUE et EXPLORATION PETROLIEREGeological Interpretation of Well LogsGeologyGeology of carbonate reservoirsGeology operationsGeophysical Techniques and Methods for Hydrocarbons Exploration-Production and Energy TransitionGeophysics what for ?GEOSCIENCE FOR RENEWABLESGEOSCIENCES APPLIED TO THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY-GIRASOL AS A CASE STUDY-GEOSCIENCES APPLIED TO THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY-GIRASOL AS A CASE STUDY-Geosciences, Geology, Exploration, Organic GeochemistryGeosiences applied to the oil and gas industryGeotechnology in deep offshore operationsGestion de projets, encadrement et suivi des travaux des élèves (sujets en rapport avec les énergies fossiles)Global View on Petrochemicals EconomicsGlobal view on petrochemicals economics From Oil and gas (and coal) to polymers and plasticsGlobal warming, energy mixGreat Industrial Sites RestitutionGrowth, Energy & Climate. The squarring of the Circle.GROWTH, ENERGY AND CLIMAT THE SQUARRING OF THE CIRCLEHEALTH SAFETY SECURITY ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALSHEAVY OIL PRODUCTIONHigh pressure polyethyleneHigh pressure polyethyleneHow to develop Talents through a global Career Management approachHow to interact with the people around you or how to be the best in your relationships?How to understand cognitive biasHow will oil production meet demand in the future? A focus on oil resources, companies and costsHow will oil production meet demand in the future? A focus on oil resources, companies and costsHR and international: Strategies and actions to engage cultural diversityHSE ENGINEERINGHSE Fundamentals for E&P ActivitiesHydraulics in refineriesHydrocarbon Exploration Through Seismic TechniquesHydrocarbon geopolitics : the Middle-EastHydrocarbons: the challenges as the 21st century gets underwayHydrogen: its role in Energy and the ecological transitionIndustrial catalysis and related processesIndustrial catalysis and related processesIndustrial Catalysts and ProcessesIndustrial combustionINDUSTRIAL COMBUSTIONS PROBLEMS AND HOW TO DEAL WITH THEMIndustrial MaintenanceIndustrial Management of Polymer ActivityIndustrial organic chemistryIndustrial project management from the idea till start up (all methods and techniques to use, engineering documents and also process safety validation)Industrial riskIndustrial Risk Management (on shore petrochemical site) by Inspection methodsIndustrial Risk Management (on shore petrochemical site) by Inspection methodsIndustrial site restitutionInnovation Strategies to tackle E&P challengesInnovation, innovative processes, is innovation cultural ? Impacts on SocietiesInstrumentation and Process Control in IndustryIntegrated StratigraphyINTELLECTUAL PROPERTYINTELLECTUAL PROPERTYIntercultural Management and Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural Management and Negotiation, how to succeed in an international environmentIntercultural Management How to succeed in an international environmentIntercultural Management How to succeed in an international environmentInternal corrosion and its control - Minoriting oil and gas productionINTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONSInternational HR managementINTERNATIONAL HR MANAGEMENTInternational petroleum contractsIntroduction in Management of Major Risks in the Petroleum and Chemical IndustryIntroduction to risk management and insuranceIntroduction to crude oil refiningIntroduction to deep learningIntroduction to Geosciences & Reservoir EngineeringIntroduction to inferential and advanced process controlIntroduction to Numerical Reservoir SimulationINTRODUCTION TO OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & PRODUCTIONIntroduction to Oil & gas Exploration & ProductionIntroduction to Oil & Gas Production & DevelopmentIntroduction to Petrochemicals & Industrial Polymerizationintroduction to PetrochemistryIntroduction to RefiningIntroduction to subsea intervention techniques in offshore fieldsIntroduction to the basics of the hydrocarbon explorationIntroduction to the Petroleum Exploration & ProductionIntroduction to the Petroleum Geology of the North SeaInvestment decisionsINVESTMENT PROFITABILITY STUDIESKey factors to select a polymer technologyKey features and recommendation to a government to implement a good governance of its new HC resourcesLa RSE, Responsabilité Sociale de l'Entreprise dans l'industrie pétroliere et chez TotalLaboratory methods in Exploration - ProductionLaboratory Techniques in Exploration - Petroleum ProductionLaboratory Techniques in Exploration - Petroleum ProductionLanguage Training PoliciesLarge Joint Venture Industrial ProjectsLarge Projects Management: Principle and toolsLarge Projects Management: Principle and toolsLe Gouvernement d'EntrepriseLEAN MANAGEMENT: DEVELOPING A PERFORMANCE CULTURELEAN MANAGEMENT: DEVELOPING A PERFORMANCE CULTURELes contrats d'exploration - production pétrolièreLes Energies décarbonnées de la merles hydrocarbures dans la transition énergétiqueLes métiers et la gestion des ressources humaines dans le secteur énergétiqueLes programmes de développement durable dans l'entrepriseLife of (and on) an oil fieldLNG - Gaz Naturel LiquéfiéLNG - Liquefied Natural Gas - Fundamentals - Update on the present market -Logging For OIL & GAS EvaluationLogistique - Distribution de produits en vracLow Carbon Hydrogen in the Energy TransitionLow Carbon Hydrogen: Technoeconomics OverviewMANAGEMENT DE L'ENVIRONNEMENTManagement experienceManagement in ChinaManagement of a major industrial crisisManagement of large energy projectsMANAGEMENT OF LARGE PROJECTSManagement of major developments in oil and gasManagement of Major Hazards in Petrochemical PlantsManaging ChangeMARKETING UNDER CONSTRAINTMARKETING UNDER CONSTRAINTMaterial and Standards stakesMedical Security : A managing responsabilityMEDICAL SECURITY: A MANAGING RESPONSIBILITYMergers And AcquisitionsMineral & Organic GeochemistryMineral diagenesis, causes and consequencesMineral Geochemistry - Causes and ConsequencesModeling, simulation and computing science for E&PMulticultural ManagementMultiphase Flows in Oil & GasNatural Gas / LNGNatural Gas / LNGNatural Gas at the heart of Energy transitionNatural gas at the heart of the energy transitionNatural Gas, LNG and unconventional gasnegociation and customer serviceNegotiation of the E&P contractsO&G Project ManagementOffshore Drilling: Techniques and ActivitiesOffshore Field Development Concepts and FacilitiesOffshore Field Development Process, Concepts and FacilitiesOIL & GAS : facts and issuesOil & Gas and Energy Global IssuesOil & Gas and Energy Global Issues / Petroleum EconomicsOil & Gas and Energy Global Issues A toolbox to understand the world of energy in the global economyOIL & GAS EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION CONTRACTSOil & Gas Exploration & Production OrganisationOil & Gas exploration Processes & TechniquesOil & Gas Field Development - Project ManagementOil & gas fields development and productionOil & Gas Production FacilitiesOil & Gas Production FacilitiesOil & Gas Project ManagementOil & Natural GasOil & Natural GasOil and Gas Exploration and Production -Process and techniquesOil and gas exploration and production : investment decision process and economicsOil and Gas Exploration and Production value chain : stakes, techniques and actorsOil and Gas Exploration and Production value chain : stakes, techniques and actorsOil and gas marketsOil and Gas Project ManagementOil and Natural Gas EconomicsOil field Development: an integrated Approach en cours de modificationOIL GEOLOGYOil&Gas outlook and Field development processOlefin polymerization catalysisOleochemistyOperational HSE and Security – Fundamentals and Sharing of Best PracticesOperational safety managementOperational safety managementOverview Of Electrical InstallationsOverview Of Electrical InstallationsOverview of the main energy issuesOverview of the main energy issuesPackaging challenges: where plastic can be the more effective, more convenient and more sustainable optionPast, present ...and future of the climatePETREL SOFTWARE GEOSCIENCE APPLICATIONSPétrole, Carbonates, GéosciencesPetroleum Exploration ChallengesPetroleum GeologyPetroleum GeologyPETROLEUM GEOSCIENCESPetroleum Geosciences and Exploration challengesPetroleum refiningPetroleum refiningPetroleum reserves and "Peak Oil"Petroleum System, Seismics and Exploration ManagementPetroluem products markets, the refining and the economic optimizationPetrophysique basicsPlanète EnergiesPlastics and the circular economyPlastics, these innovative polymersPlastics, these innovative polymersPLATFORMSPLATFORMSPolymerization processesPOLYMERS: STRENGHTS AND WEAKNESSES, NON FOSSIL ALTERNATIVESPractical and Applied Principles of Sustainable DevelopmentPractical Approach of hydrocarbons play geometries (concepts, tools and scale change)Practical Approach of Stratigraphic CorrelationsPractical Approach of Stratigraphic CorrelationsPresentation skillsPRESSIONS, PIEGES ET COUVERTURESPrestudy of a polymer line:methodology,all aspects to consider(market,products,technology,costs,IP,HST,licence...NPV,IRR,POT)Prestudy of a polymer line:methodology,all aspects to consider(market,products,technology,costs,IP,HST,licence...NPV,IRR,POT)Process Electrification(distillation heat pump)PRODUCED AND INJECTED WATER TREATMENT; E&PProducing base molecules for petrochemicalsPRODUCTION AVAILABILITY OF PRODUCTION SYSTEMS / RELIABILITY OF SAFETY SYSTEMSProject ManagementProject ManagementProject Management in Oil & Gas E&PProject Management in Petrochemical IndustryProject Management in Petrochemical Industry From research & development to beneficial operationProspect Evaluation in Oil and Gas Exploration (IW)Prospective resources evaluation. uncertainties and risk.Protection From LightningPurchasing Fundamentals / Purchasing AwarenessRaw materials (energy) - North East Asia perspectiveRecherche de stage et Insertion professionnelleRefining - Management of informationRefining and petroleum productsReliability, Modelling and Calculation of Safety SystemsRenewable energyRenewable Marine Energies Advanced Master (RME)Reservoir and Well Test AnalysisReservoir Data Synthesis, Field CaseReservoir Data Synthesis: Field CaseReservoir Drive MechanismsReservoir Engineering : de l'accumulation aux reservesRESERVOIR ENGINEERING : FROM ACCUMULATION TO RESERVESReservoir Engineering & Field DevelopmentReservoir Engineering and Field DevelopmentReservoir engineering and simulationReservoir Engineering FundamentalsReservoir Engineering FundamentalsReservoir Enhanced Oil RecoveryReservoir Flow SimulationReservoir Flow Simulation: Field CaseReservoir Fluid ThermodynamicstReservoir Fluid ThermodynamicstReservoir GeologyReservoir GeologyRESERVOIR PETROPHYSICSReservoir Risk & UncertaintyRisk Crisis CommunicationRisk ManagementRisk management and insurance system in an oil companyRisk Management et assurance re-assurance dans l'Exploration Production pétrolière assurance négociationRisk Management in HrRisk Management IntroductionRisk Management IntroductionRisks Management in the Oil & Gas Industry (and beyond)Rotating equipment in the petroleum refining industrySafetySafetySafety & DependabilitySafety & Dependability - Overview, Modeling and CalculationsSAFETY INSTRUMENTED SYSTEMS (HIPS) - SIL Calculations : (problems & solutions)Safety Management SystemsSafety Management SystemsSafety of major risksSeismic & Sequence Stratigraphy : Principles & ApplicationsSeismic & Sequence Stratigraphy : Principles & ApplicationsSEISMIC ACQUISITION, PROCESSING and IMAGINGSeismic Techniques for Petrolueum ExplorationSelecting power plant types and configurationsSelf Marketing or How to bring out the best in yourselfShale Oil & Gas : an energy revolutionShale Oil & Gas, an opportunity ?Shale Oil & Gas, an opportunity ?Shale oil and gas : an energy revolutionSharing experience in managementSiliciclastic SedimentologySizing of Pressure Safety ValvesSMART CITIES: THE NEW CHALLENGE ?Social innovations and sustainable development: from common goods to social businessSociety Trends and Business Positioningsolid fuels Global challenges & PerspectivesSome technological innovations for a sustainable energy transitionStandardisation : a strategic challenge for companiesSTART UP : PRODUCTION AND LOADING FACILITIESSTART UP : PRODUCTION AND LOADING FACILITIESStates, Corporations and CSR development strategies and corporate social responsibilitySteel Materials for Offshore Structures and PipelinesSTEELS MATERIALS FOR OFFSHORE STRUCTURES AND PIPELINESStrategies in Oil and Gas developmentsStructural geology from geodynamics to basin to prospect scaleSubsea Developments : SURF (Subsea infrastructures , Umbilical's , Risers and Flowlines)SUBSEA ENGINEERINSubsea EngineeringSupply Chain Management for petroleum products (Refining Marketing)Supply chain management for petroleum products (refinig & marketingSustainability of Industrial ProcessesTaylor-made IW - International Management and Intercultural CommunicationTechnical and Financial Risks ManagementThe A to Z of combined cyclesThe climate of the earth astronomical, geological & human influencesThe CO2 issueTHE CRUDE OIL CONTRACTS ON SHORT , MIDDLE OR LONG TERMThe EU Emission Trading System ETS to reduce EU CO2 emissionsThe EU Emission Trading System ETS to reduce EU CO2 emissionsThe fundamental of the Internal Control according to the reference table COSOThe fundamental of the Internal Control according to the reference table COSOThe Geopolitics of hydrocarbons - the example of South East Asia and JapanTHE HISTORY OF PETROLEUM / HOW IT IS MADEThe oil chainThe oil chainThe Past of the Earth, a key to the future ?The Polymer Production IndustryTHE SEISMIC INTERPRETATION IN THE EXPLORATION-PRODUCTION WORKFLOWThe World of Energy in the Global Economy/Climate Change-Energy Transition/Investment Decision ProcessThermal exchanges in refineriesThermal exchanges in refineriesThermodynamics of phases equilibriums and introduction to chemical engineeringTHIRTEEN PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENTTomorrow Energy Problematic ChallengesTools for internal controlTools for internal controlUpstream oil & gas project management from discovery to first oilUpstream overviewVirtual Teams, International Team WorkWell activitiesWell Activities Drilling Well Completion and ServicingWell construction Well completion and Well maintenanceWell construction subsurface hazards and risks managementWell Logging for Reserves and Prospects EvaluationWELL LOGS INTERPRETATION FOR EXPLORERSWhich Energy Resources for our future ?Laissez le champ vide si vous souhaitez obtenir des informations généralesDétails de la demande *Envoyer