Day 1: Introduction
General Overview
Reservoir Studies
Physical Aspects
Mathematical Equations
Diffusivity & Transport Equations
General Equations
Black Oil Model
Compositional Model
Day 2: Space & Time Discretisation
Space Discretisation
Basic Concepts & Main Issues
Field Examples
Time Discretisation
Basic Concepts
Production Data
Space & Time Discretisation
Basic Workflows
Day 3: Input Data
Reservoir description
Available Data
Data Upscaling
Fluid Description
Key Elements
Surface & Reservoir Conditions
PVT Regions
Initial State
Basic Concepts
Initial Pressure & Saturation Distributions
Day 4: Input Data (cont’d)
General Overview
Aquifer Modelling
Radial Aquifer Modelling
Radial Transient Aquifer Modelling
Wells’ Representation
Basic Concepts
Inflow & Outflow Performance
Well Potential
Day 5: History Matching & Production Forecast
History Matching
General Methodology
Data to Match & Matching Parameters
Pressure & saturation Match
Production Forecasts
General Methodology
Wells’ Representation & Production Controls
Audience type
Graduates and post-graduates petroleum and reservoir engineering students.
Planned duration
15 to 20 hours in 5 days
Support material
Slides, Videos, Exercises, Quizzes
University or Engineering Degree in sciences. Basic knowledge of Reservoir Engineering.
Give a basic but complete overview of the setting up of a numerical model for simulating the production of a petroleum reservoir (Basic Flow Equations, Input data, History match and forecast modes).