Introduction in Management of Major Risks in the Petroleum and Chemical Industry


Day 1:

  • Short introduction to TotalEnergies Group
  • The Global Environment for the Industry: major challenges in the fiels of Health, Safety and Environment

Day 2:

  • The historical Evidence: knowledge and analysis of some major accidents

Day 3:

  • The Risk Management Principles: particular methodologies and technics

Days 4&5:

  • Risk Reduction Measures: the 3 pillars
  • Summary and comprehension test

The major accidents studied in day 2 will be analysed in front of Risk Management Principles and Risk Reduction Measures



Audience type

students and young scientists concerned with major Risks Management

Planned duration


Support material

powerpoint, videos and remote course as option


None (technical background if possible)


Knowledge about some major accidents and how major Risks can be managed and reduced

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