
(At TotalEnergies)
Technical support to production plants and to customers
Financial analysis and project validations: e.g. FID dossiers of projects (including Biopolymer
Market analysis and forecasting studies in short and long term views.
Lobbying in CEFIC and PlasticsEurope during 2 years


Engineering degree (Catholic University of Louvain) 1998
PhD in Applied Science 1993 – Past-Doc in Tokyo Institute of Technology (1994)
Master in Finance and Administration (evening courses) 2002


Metallocene polyethylene – A Three days training course to Qapco Engineers ( Can be cut in
different sub chapters.)
2 hours training about Activity Basced Costing (for ONG IDE in 2021 and 2023 in Kigali)
Coatching and training of my collègues in Economics and Market studies
Organization of a training day about Reach Authorization in 2012.
As hobby 2 hours writing labs on micro-texts and surrealistic writing


Expertise in polymer science : catalysis, engineering, product properties, …
Expertise in economic analysis, project economics, option theory, .price analysis
Study of LME trading of polymer futures – Study af Reach Authorization processes
Curently working in the Strategy and Market Department on the TEO (Total Energy Outlook)
with studies on CO2 emissions and discussions on links to Climate effects
As hobby I’m writing and presides the ANDE + coaching in 2 hours writing labs

Courses & Talks