- Course
- Jean loup RUBINO
- Conventional Energies, Oil & Gas Exploration-Geosciences
Language: English
Research Ingenior Lyon University1984-1985 sedimentologist
Total SA Bordeaux Laboratory 1986-1990 sedimentologist & sequence stratigrapher
Total Norge 1990-1993 Regional geologist
Total SA Paris 1993-1996 Geologist in the New Ventures Middel east Group
Total SA Paris 1996-2000, Advisor member of the exploration comity
Total SA Pau CSTJF 2000-2008 Clastic Sedimentology Advisor
Total SA Pau CSTJF 2008-2016 Clastic Sedimentology Senior Advisor
Geologie Degree 1979 from Lyon University (FR)
Master of sedimentology 1981 from Lyon University( FR)
Petroleum Ingenior 1983 from IFP School Paris
– Total Clastic Sedimentology Course in South Pyrenean basin 1987-1990 & 1995 ( 4 sessions of a week)
– Co leader of ASF Sedimentology summer School Digne, September 1993
– Clastic Sedimentology course Oil Ministry Tripoli 2006 & 2007
– Turbidites sedimentology, Total Workshop in the Alps – from 1999 to 2008 & in 2017
– Carbonates sedimentology & stratigraphy IFP School 1996-1997
– Sequence stratigraphy course Total 1990 , Bordeaux
– Introduction to Sequence Stratigraphy ( High School professor training) 1999, SE France
– Sequence Stratigraphy Total Course 2000 to 2014 in SE France ( 6 days)
– Sequence stratigraphy course Tripoli , 2006 et 2007
– Sequence stratigraphy courses : Paris school of Mines 2009, Univ de Genève 2017, Univ Strasbourg de 2005 à 2017
– Seismic & sequence stratigraphy course UPMC Paris 2012-2018
– Seismic & sequence stratigraphy 2014-2018, Pau et SE France (2 semaines)
-Training on Sedimentary basin Infill, co-leader 2008-2018 (Spain)
– Seismic Geomorphology Workshop co leader : Congrès ASF Rennes 2009, AAPG Tripoli 2010, ASF Toulouse 2017
– Seismic geomorphology IFPEN 2012-2018
– Conférence Collège de France : Manifestations Diapiriques dans le bassin du SE de la France juin 2007
Senior Clastic Advisor and Sequence Stratigrapher
This includes: a broad experience in sedimentology of siliciclastic deposits on the field as well as on subsurface data. Working 7 years on the Middle East, I have also some experience on carbonates sedimentology.
I am a pioneer in French in the use of sequence and seismic stratigraphy that I apply since 1986 and teach almost since the same date.
I have also experiences in basin synthesis