
2013 to date Professional Tourist Guide Diploma in Angers university then free lance Guide in Paris

2008 to 2013 Methods and Training Coordinator with Corporate Audit division

2005 to 2008 Training Coordinator for Finance and Controlling staff in Exploration Production division

1981 to 2005 Exploration Production division Finance manager in affiliates (12 years expat: Tanzania, Syria, UK, Indonesia)

Various finance/ controlling postings in France including missions in affiliates overseas (Argentina, Nigeria, Gabon, Angola, Indonesia, …)


ESCP Business school in Paris 1976
Professional Tourist Guide Diploma 2014


Management and partly presentation of MAI seminar introducing new auditors to internal control and audit concepts and techniques

Two sessions yearly from 2008 to 2013

My presentations were focused on audit methodology implementing intercultural management techniques and sensibilisation to mutual listening that are at the core of the seminars I am now offering in TPA


Internal control and internal audit in all Group Branches

Oil & Gas Contracts

Financial management of Exploration Production operations

Information systems

Designing, implementing and conducting conferences and visits of urban districts and museums encompassing historical, architectural and visual arts aspects..

Courses & Talks