Oil & Gas and Energy Global Issues A toolbox to understand the world of energy in the global economy


Day 1 – PROJECT ECONOMIC EVALUATION AND INVESTMENT DECISION: Introduction, capital investment decision, petroleum economics, project costs estimate, project costs monitoring, project financing. ENERGY INDUSTRY FUNDAMENTALS: Energy vs global economy, long term perspectives, which energy mix? Energy national subsidies, some geopolitical considerations. Day 2 – CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGES: What is science telling us? Economic consequences for energy and industries, carbon capture and storage, what implications for oil companies? OIL INDUSTRY FUNDAMENTALS: General considerations, resources, reserves, peak oil & peak gas, oil production and consumption, oil upstream economics, oil prices, oil industries stockholders. Day 3 – GAS INDUSTRY FUNDAMENTALS: General considerations, resources, reserves, production, consumption, markets, the gas chain components and their economics, gas prices vs gas markets, evolution of gas markets vs liberalization and globalization, example of a challenging project. UNCONVENTIONAL HYDROCARBONS: Different categories of unconventional hydrocarbons, potential resources, major challenges, oil sands, extra heavy oil, shale oil, shale gas, unconventional hydrocarbons in the US. Day 4 – RENEWABLES: Global remarks on renewable energy sources, wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy, marine energy. HYDROPOWER: Generalities, hydropower in the world, hydropower in France. COAL INDUSTRY FUNDAMENTALS: Coal fundamentals, coal international trade, coal and the US. Day 5 – NUCLEAR INDUSTRY FUNDAMENTALS: Nuclear energy, uranium resources, uranium prices, the world nuclear industry, future evolution, what long term changes in the world energy mix? //Exam.


Français & Anglais

Public visé

Students from Master level.

Durée prévisionnelle

5 days (can be concentrated on 4 days). Flexible programme depending on the cursus and the overall timing.

Moyens Pédagogiques

A hard copy of the slides (English) which are presented.




To provide basics on oil & gas and energy supply/demand, petroleum and energy economics with global issues for the oil & gas industry.

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