Challenges within the Energy Sector – The 2022/2023 Energy Crisis


Table of contents:

  1. Energy for the next decades
  2. Prices of Commodities
  3. The International Gas Market
  4. The role of Nuclear Energy in Europe
  5. A Zoom on the European Gas Market
  6. Europe/Russia – History of Energy related events
  7. The 2022 Energy Crisis could have been anticipated
  8. Impact on Gas and Electricity Prices
  9. Where will future Gas come from
  10. Energy Transition – Impact on access to Mineral Resources
  11. Conclusions



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Master students, engineers, civil servants

Durée prévisionnelle


Moyens Pédagogiques

Presentation Power Point, videos


Good basic knowledge on the world of Energy and the Global Economy


To get a good understanding of the challenges of Energy Transition and possible impacts of geopolitical problems.

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